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  • Do you have to manage my investments for me to work with you?
    Absolutlely not! Other services available include: Financial Coaching is available for folks just beginning or needing the financial foundation around daily money management; spending. saving, debt paydown. Various package levels are available. Financial Planning one time or ongoing. Money Coaching isn't really about money, it's about you and your relationship with money. Let's chat if this interests you. Divorce Planning Investment Management - The typical client who wants financial planning is looking for the right partner and would prefer to delegate investment management decisions. Through the planning process, if we mutually determine we are the right partner, then clients move into our next level service of Investment Management, where Being in Adundance provides plan updates, oversight of investments, tax planning, and coordinates the components involved in delivering reliable retirement paychecks. The latter is specific to those in or beginning retirement.
  • If I hire you what should I expect for Financial Planning or Investment Management?
    With a "Financial Planning only" servcies, (as opposed to Financial Coaching or Investment Management) we will work together to select specific areas to cover. These areas may include, but are not limited to, the following: your financial goals,Cash Flow and Debt Management, College Savings projections, Employee Benefits Optimization, Insurance, Investment Analysis, Estate Planning review, Retirement Planning and projection modeling, Tax Planning statehgies, and a ton of education. We'll even use even iterative projections to see the impact of decisions, tax modeling, varying retirement dates and much more. It’s so comprehensive we deliver it over a series of three or more meetings (unless this is a limited scope assignment). With our ongoing planning clients that also want investment management services, we provide oversight of portfolio management, update your planning projections each year to guide you in decision-making, and conduct annual tax reviews and projections. We are available to clients for consultation on any topic that has a financial aspect to it such as moving, insurance decisions, refinancing, funding education for grandchildren, estate planning, and more over a series of three or more meetings a year based on the complexity of your situation and client engagement agreement.
  • What is Financial Coaching?
    Have you ever thought of using a personal trainer? Hired a lacrosse coach for your child? Or a life coach for yourself? Well a financial coach is very similar. We challenge you to have goals, shift your mindset, push a little harder, put more towards debt or another goal you are saving for - and hold you accountable to what you say you're going to do and by when. It all starts with anACTIVATION session. This session helps create a foundation for the srtucture and tools to support you in meeting your defined goals, and creates an opportunity to ask questions and express concerns. The flexiibility of the process allows for the time YOU need based on your unique situation. But this is just the basics. If you can implement on your own, great! If, while we are working together, you realize that you need more support, a more specific plan and help implementing that after the ACTIVATION session is complete, we can help you with that as well with out 1 Month FOUNDATIONS package. Ask about of 4 month PROPEL, or 7 month Coaching Programs. And for our longer term clients already on track, we offer a semi-annual MOMENTUM program. You're doing great and we want to keep the MOMENTUM going! Just ask for more information. Of course there are always those one-off limited scope financial projects that can be handled separately as things come up; I'm relocating. Should I refinance? Can I afford to get divorced? Remember, the coaching process is a culmination of lifelong learned values, perceptions, habits, goals, dreams, tools, structure, accountability, and hope. And I'm here to journey with you! If think this is for you, schedule a Q&A call. If you are sure this is for you, Call to schedule your ACTIVATION Session now!
  • How are your services priced?
    It depends on the service provided. Our financial planning service covers a series of strategy meetings and is typcially priced from $3,000 - $7,500 depending on the complexity of your situation. Our ongoing planning and investment management, has tiered pricing based on assets under management (AUM) and fees are reduced as the assets increase. As a "fee only" advisory firm, Being in Abundance gets paid the following ways: ​By retainer for Financial Planning, with value based tiered pricing based on the complexity of your situation A "value based" flat fee for limited scope projects or packages An hourly rate A percentage based on the investment assets under management (AUM) Please see our ADV for information on service pricing
  • Can you work with people in another state?
    Absolutely, with today's web meeting technology and more people working from home, we can meet virtually. All you need is internet and a computer. Using a ZOOM link and a secure virtual meeting room we can see eachother, from the convenience of your home or office, even while on lunch . We can share data on the screen and draw to demonstrate things. This avoids traffic and time commuting to appointments. Clients find that all this equates to less stress, more efficiency, and gives them more free time - helping to reduce the feeling that this is a chore.
  • How do I set a complementary introductory "Discovery" meeting?"
    You would start by scheduleing a meeting using Once you confirm the meeting on Calendly, you will receive an email with a link to fill out a set of "Pre-Meeting Questions", which you get from the Calendly invite. On most pages of the site, you'll see a "See if We're a Good Fit" section or a Book now link, where you'll find a link to the Calendly & the questionnaire. These questions were intentionally designed so we ask only general information—for example we ask for your age, not your date of birth. The quentionnaire is password protected, and we do not share your information with any outside firms. The questionnaire will need to be competed 48 hours before our meeting, or iour meeting will need to be rescheduled.
  • Is this about selling me products?
    When working with Being in Abundance, we don’t sell products; insurnance, annuities, real estate etc. - You get the picture, but we can help you with investment management if that is right for you. Nor do we engage in accepting referral fees, kickbacks, or payments of any kind from any third-party referrel partner, product or service. We do this to ensure there is no conflict of interest and you can trust that our only motiivation is to support your needs and goals wherever you are in life.
  • Financial coach, financial advisor, financial planner - What's the difference?"
    Financial Coaches - Do not perform holistic financial planning as decribed by the Certified Financial Planning (CFP) Board, "Cash and Debt management" is only 1 element of Financial Planning. As a fee-based advisory firm we do not sell products or receive commissions, and as a CFP® we are held to the Fiduciary standard of care for clients. Financial coaching focuses more on the basics of: personal money management helping clients take a look at their personal relationship with money, habits, and emotional issues identying mindset (WHY we do certain things with money) and behaviorial changes and strategies to support clients in meeting savings and debt pay down goals provide accountabilty to client-driven spending plans educate on the basic concepts of insurnance, investing, diversification etc. A Financial Coach's job is to provide the client with the knowledge, foundational skills, and behaviors that will help them build cash-flow and wealth so that they can then work with a Financial Advisor and on more advanced planning. Certified Financial Planners - have a CFP® designation. They generally analyze a client's entire financial life across cash and debt management, insurance, investments, tax, and estate planning and use specialized software to help make projections. At Being in Abundance, financial coaching is part of our financial planning process. However, Financial Coaching services may be provided as a stand-alone service, outside of "full" planning services, typically as a first step.
  • What "is" and "what isn't Financial Coaching"?"
    Yes, I am trained as a Ceritifed Fianncial Planner, and I can work with you as a Financial Coach, What does that mean? It means that this is more education, NOT what is typically considered financial advice Financial Advisors focus on wealth accumlation and growth of investable assets and longer term planning Financial Coaches focus on the basics of personal money mangement, behavioral change and accountability to a client-driven spending plan It means that I am working in the role as educator in the realm of fincancial literacy and behaviors I am NOT providing specific "financial advice" around investments, insurance, estate planning, taxes. etc. More guidance on things for you to consider This is about your daily money habits, strategies, and the behavioral and mindset changes needed to support you in meeting your goals. Not investment returns etc. This is about preparing you to work with a Financial Planner on the next level Do I have advanced knowledge of those topics versus another Financial Coach that is not a CFP®? Yes, and you wll have the benefit of that knowledge and education Financial Coach, Financial Advisor, Financial Planner - Which should you choose?
  • What is a CDFA®? What if I am thinking about Divorce?
    According to the Institute for Divorce Financial Planning (IDFA), "A CDFA® is someone who comes from a financial planning, accounting or legal background and goes through an intensive training program to become skilled in analyzing and providing expertise related to the financial issues of divorce." Click here for more extensiove information. If you are interested in working with me in regards to pre-divorce planning, divorce settlement development or analysis that would be addressed under another sister company Being Mindful in Divorce and a seperate client engagement agreement. You may find some addtional information on that here Post divorce planning can be handled HERE! Reach out and we can discuss what that might look like.
  • Will we be doing financial planning?
    Many Financial Coaches refer to their work as "Financial Planning". Financial Coaching is the foundational work defined by the CFP Board for the profession of "Financial Planning". A similar analogy for comparing Financial Coaching to a Financial Planner would be to call a Bookkeeper an Accountant. There is a distinction in the work they do, and one may be an aspect of the other. This is a good article that defines the distinction What is Financial Coaching, and Best Practices for Becoming One.
  • How do I start the financial coaching process?
    We begin by having a complimentary 30 minute Q&A Call to determine what your struggles currently are and what you are looking to achieve. After talking we will decide if coaching makes sense and we are a good fit for eachother. If that is the case, we will move forward with booking you for an ACTIVATION Session or another suitable srvice. If you already know that you will want or need more accountability / collaboration then we will work under the 1 Month FOUNDATIONS or 4 month PROPEL program. AND there is a 7 month TRANSFORM package as well. If this doesn't make sense for you at this time or this isn't a good fit, I will make a referral to another professional or suggesstions on reosurces. When you book for your program, you will receive an intake packet to be thoroughly completed before our session, so that when we have our ACTIVATION session, (or another program) we can work on strategy. After I have received your intake paperwork, I go through it and send any questions back I have for you and we will have a pre-meeting call to clarify any outstanding questions on my part or yours. Data collection and accurracy is key and will require you to do your part on this homework. We ask for a lot of information up front, so you get the most value for your time when we meet.
  • Budgetting hasn't worked in the past, how is this different?"
    Budgetting is just one component of daily money cash & debt planning - and I prefer the term "spending" plan, as it takes into account "fun" as well as responsibility. Knowing what comes in and out is the basis of every financial decision and directly affects your ability to achieve your goals - whether you make $40K or $400K a year. Our process is proactive and changes with the circumstances and goals in your life. It encompasses an understanding of the impacts visually and with numbers around the decisions that you're considering, and how they will affect your cash-flow now, in the upcoming months as well as the goals that you are working towards. Let's face it, everyone knows how to lose weight, yet why don't they? If you could to do it on your own, you’d already have done so. In my other packages, understanding values, underlying motivation and mindset play a greater part in our work together. Structure, process and accountability give you the tools to be effective, make better decisions with confidence, and have peace of mind around your finances.
  • How can I afford your services if I'm struggling in my current financial situation?
    I've seen over and over again that my fee more than pays for itself, and many clients find room in their finances to cover coaching fees within ONE MEETING, and even find more. Most are shocked and surprised to discover how much money they have misdirected unintentionally. See our Client Case studies. Working together, you will put more into savings, pay down debt faster and learn how to make it work long after we are no longer collaborating. The process involves an introspection of your values and creates emotional and psychological benefits such as reduced stress and peace of mind. When we can make choices with confidence and pride, there is excitement over the possibilities we can create in our life. Perhaps the question is “What excuses will I make for not taking responsibilityfor my finances?" or "How much is NOT receiving financial coaching costing me in my life?” Taking control of your financial life is an investment worth making. not an expense. It's a choice that your future self will thank you for.
  • Why would someone work with a financial coach?
    Here are some reasons someone might work with a financial coach: You don't have a clear outlook on your financial future but you want one You want to confidently know that you’re making the best choices with your daily money Money is something that causes you to worry or it’s a big stressor in your life You have a goal and you’re not sure where to begin – debt payoff, education, business growth, a new house, a big vacation You're doing “fine” financially but you want to be doing great! You’re unsure how the choices you’re making today impact your future goals You and a significant other are not on the same page about finances You “make good money” and yet there’s still uncertainty from one month to the next You recently experienced a life change - marriage, divorce, graduation, job change, relocation, buying a home, child birth, loss of a loved one You have an upcoming life change/transition You know what you should do, but need some accountability You feel like your doing well and you would like an objective opinion or perspective
  • I'm not struggling, so could I still benefit from Financial Coaching?"
    Absolutley, not everyone knows everything. Just like we seek mentors in our careers, think of a Financial Coach as a money mentor. Things might be fine, but they can always be better, improve - and why not be great? I've worked with folks making over 6 figures, and when I was an investment manager my average client was $3MM in managebele assets, with the largest having $17MM. And guess what? Most of them wanted clarity and confidence with their money to support those bigger goals that they wanted to achieve. Making more money doesn't necessarily mean having less financial stress. Many times folks who "seem" to be well-off still worry about their finances and second guess their decisions. Sometimes it's about understanding and shifting mindset or having a trusted financial thought partner. So even if you are not struggling, financial coaching or planning can help you work more purposefully towards and achieve those things on your bucket list: Purchasing your dream home, a vacation or rental property Traveling more often Going back to school or transitioning careers Leaving your current career or taking on your dream business Preparing to start a family The ability to work anywhere Freedom of time (wouldn't that be a great thing?) Ensuring adequate funding for a comfortable retirement or health concerns Increased savings for wealth accumulation or to invest in yourself
  • How could working together improve my emotional and physical well-being?
    Constant stress over finances and money matters can cause a plethora of emotional and physical health concerns. When not tended to, over time these can exacerbate into more serious conditions than just a heachache: Anxiety, depression Digestive problems Eating habits, overeating, stress & binge eating Brain fog Falling asleep and staying asleep Lack of energy, feelings of exhaustion Alcohol and substance abuse Job loss Strained realtionships, even divorce or harm to ones-self Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, whose actions during the stress response comprise the fight-or-flight-or freeze response. Consequenlty, over time this can impair other functions in the body and even lead to adrenal failure. When we improve our finances, worrying dissipates, stress levels are reduced and our minds and bodies can relax; bringing more peace and calm into our lives, allowing many areas of our health to heal and improve. Finances were the number-one cause of stress (73%) according to the results of a Capital One "CreditWise survey" in February of 2020 — more than politics (59%), work (49%) and family (46%). Younger generations are even more stressed out about finances than older ones with the majority of Gen Z’ers (82%) and Millennials (81%) sharing that finances are at least somewhat stressful for them. The survey also revealed that major life events or puchases can trigger financial stress as well, as - 62% were stressed about their money in relationship to buying a house - 61% were stressed because of a car purchase Let me help you reduce that stress, and powerfully make those choices in life!

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 'A wealth you can not imagine flows through you' - Rumi

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(520) 369-3380

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Being in Abundance LLC (“BIA”) is a registered investment advisor offering advisory services in the State(s) of Arizona and in other jurisdictions where exempted.  BIA may only transact business in those states in which it is registered, or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Being in Abundance’s website is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to its advisory services together with access to additional investment-related information, publications, and links. The presence of this website on the Internet shall not be directly or indirectly interpreted as a solicitation of investment advisory services to persons of another jurisdiction unless otherwise permitted by statute in the state where the persons resides. Any follow-up or individualized responses to a prospective client or consumer in a particular state by BIA in the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation shall not be made without our first complying with jurisdiction requirements or pursuant an applicable state exemption.  For information pertaining to the registration status of Being in Abundance LLC, please contact the state securities regulators for those states in which BIA maintains a registration filing. A copy of Being in Abundance LLC ‘s current written disclosure statement discussing its business operations, services and fees is available at the SEC’s investment advisor public website - or from the footer on the BIA website. 


All written content on this site is for guidance and information purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of BIA, unless otherwise specifically cited.  Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources and Being in Abundance LLC  does not make any representation or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, or relevance or any information prepared by an unaffiliated third party, whether linked to the BIIA website or incorporated herein, and takes no responsibility therein.


This website and information are not intended to provide investment, tax, or legal advice. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. All information or ideas provided should be discussed in detail with an advisor, accountant or legal counsel prior to implementation.


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